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Storm trackers in the Texas Panhandle recovered a massive hail stone that researchers say is likely to be a new state record.Val and Amy Castor, veteran storm chasers with Oklahoma City television
A Pennsylvania paw patrol was called into action after a young black bear decided to make itself at home in a Harrisburg neighborhood.Roads were closed and staff and students at Cumberland County
Women reacted 12% quicker and made 25% fewer errors during menstruationREAD MORE: 'Alarming' trend of girls getting their periods younger revealedWomen may feel worse during their time of the month,
If you are in tune with the health and fitness industry, you will hear the phrase gut health repeated often. Why is this buzzword garnering a lot of attention? Why is gut health so important? Gut
Researchers say faulty gene which heightens risk of breast, ovarian and prostate cancer comes from household in Whalsay, ShetlandUniversity of Edinburgh used data from Viking genes to trace where
Made to feel fuzzy on the inside by an adorable troop of schoolchildren, a foundation phase volunteer educator shared what immigrating to SA meant to her onlineThe TikTok user, @bbangus, posted a
Welcome, fellow pet enthusiasts, to the Furry Fun Fact of the Day! FOR THE LATEST PET NEWS, VISIT THE SOUTH AFRICAN WEBSITE Pets can do all sorts of crazy – and wonderful – things, can’t they?
A staggering total of 15 men – 11 Kaizer Chiefs players and FOUR coaches are in the firing line. Kaizer Chiefs have a total of 11 players facing likely exits. Meanwhile, the new coach will be
Building on its commitment to fostering a global community passionate about using #TikTokforGood, TikTok has officially launched the TikTok Change Makers Programme. This initiative marks the
When it is cold outside, there is nothing more inviting than a piping hot bowl of soup or a steaming plate of pasta at the dinner table. After all, there is a reason it is called comfort food.If you
Supported Living, a form of health-care service that has become popular in the US and UK, is making inroads into South Africa.This comes as Olinda Chapel, the founder of Gain Healthcare, an
While December is peak holiday and travel season for South Africans, when it comes to international travel, holidaymakers are increasingly choosing to head abroad at other times of the year. As the
A group of scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETH), have developed a cutting-edge method of producing chocolate in an effort to solve the health and environmental
Brazil has more cows than people – around 235 million of them — but one in particular is extraordinary.Milk-white with a massive body, she is watched over by security cameras and an armed bodyguard
Most dog owners would swear they can understand their furry friend’s every feeling with just a glance. However, a new study suggests our canine companions may have been even more expressive before
University of Pretoria (UP) scientists have contributed to discovering how the naked mole rat is able to withstand heart attacks and fend off bowel cancer, two of the most fatal human ailments in the
The Springbok winger may be uncertain over a starting position in the 2024 Bok squad, but through his Makazole Mapimpi Foundation, he’s doing great things off the pitch. Announced this week, the
One cat is lucky to be alive after it fell from a 65 foot cliff, according to local police who rescued the injured feline and are now searching for its owner. The incident took place on Wednesday at
Many citizens have applauded PA leader Gayton Mckenzie's decision to donate his parliamentary salaryMckenzie said he would contribute his salary to the Joslin Smith Foundation for Missing ChildrenThe

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