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The planets are about to align – but we won’t be able to see it.In the early hours of June 3 and 4, six of the eight planets in our solar system will form a planetary parade, appearing to form a
Opening a webpage inside of an app can be an arduous process, but it may be getting a little easier with a new Chrome update for Android apps. The new Chrome M124 update is adding the ability to open
The MLS' standout stars from its early years
Dr May Firoozmand will attempt 100km row for Dentaid.On the 5th June, Dr May Firoozmand will be holding a charity fundraiser at Oundle Sports Centre. She will be aiming to complete the challenging
A man with bowel cancer has become the first person in England to be treated with a personalised jab for the disease on the NHS.Health leaders hailed the treatment as “a landmark moment” for patients
WrestleMania has given us some of the best wrestling matches of all time. Here are the ones that changed the industry in an instant.
Chester Zoo has welcomed 11 baby penguins – the most during a single hatching season for more than a decade.The Humboldt penguin chicks, which is a breed the zoo describes as being most at risk from
If you've been looking for a way to shake up your boring breakfast routine or have been meaning to incorporate more fruit into your diet, you'll definitely want to check out this unmissable deal on
Two teenage boys have been hailed heroes after they reportedly dragged a suicidal man from train tracks. Friends Freddie Corbett and Harley Hollingworth, both 15, were waiting for a train at the
In the pursuit of cultivating big, juicy tomatoes, there are essential tips to bear in mind. For example, understanding their sunlight requirements or knowing companion plants that ensure a fruitful
Lisa Jakub, who worked with Robin Williams as a teenager on Mrs Doubtfire, has revealed how kind the actor was towards her and helped her to not feel like a ‘freak’. Lisa, 45, starred in the cast
A heroic family pet saved her owners from a fire which broke out in their home. A small domestic fire broke out in a cupboard of a property in north Cornwall during the early hours of this morning
Bank holidays, sunny days off work or even a jaunt further afield in the rain - the lighter months are here and we can't wait to make the most of them. If you're anything like us, then days off from
May 28 2024Reviewed by Lexie CornerIn a study published in Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Dr. Kim Joohee from the Bionics Research Center at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST,
A Greater Manchester restaurant has had a massive response after issuing a ‘cry for help’ to keep them going through a difficult period of trading. Bosses at the Almost Famous branch in Withington
Over the bank holiday weekend, more than 50 people were rescued from a rapidly incoming tide. On Friday (May 24), teams from Bay Search and Rescue were scrambled to the Silverdale area in Morecambe
If you’ve never had a dog before, these are the breeds best suited for inexperienced puppy parents.A huge number of us decided to welcome new puppies into our homes over the last few years – Kennel
Miller Homes Scotland East is supporting Alzheimer Scotland with a donation of £10,595 following recent fundraising efforts that saw the homebuilder’s Edinburgh team complete a month-long step count
By Stephen Nellis(Reuters) - Arm Holdings on Wednesday unveiled new chip blueprints and software tools to help smartphones handle artificial intelligence tasks, along with changes to how it
Lancashire is home to beautiful towns, cities and villages. Some with rolling hills and others with historic buildings and statues. Whilst we can be proud to call our county home, some in the rest

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