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New home-based recruits will become part of innovative ‘first of its kind’ support schemeA new scheme which aims to offer better support for domestic abuse survivors with learning disabilities is
Around one in six people who stop antidepressants will experience withdrawal symptoms as a direct result of the medicine – lower than previous estimates, according to the largest study of its kind.A
When you want to set the scene and lighten the mood with a fusion of colour, sometimes the best approach is to fill the home with bold furnishings and a nod to dopamine décor.After all, vivid hues –
There are some incredible teachers in movies and TV that have made serious impacts. Here are some great ones that we need to talk about.
Equi's Hamilton have funded a whole month's supply of 'miracle' medicine for a youngster with life-threatening epilepsy in just one day. The ice cream parlour threw a fundraiser on Sunday selling
An innovative blood test has been developed, capable of predicting the resurgence of breast cancer even before it can be detected on scans. This ground-breaking advance could allow treatments to be
The chef behind an award-winning restaurant in Leeds has shared his top spots for food and drinks in Leeds.Jono Hawthorne is the chef patron behind Chef Jono at V&V in New Briggate, one of the city’s
This year is a very special one for the RSPCA as it reaches its 200th anniversary in June - meaning it has been 200 years of making the world a better place for animals.The RSPCA Halifax,
Almost half of men are putting off a potentially life-saving test for prostate cancer over fears of a rectal exam – despite the fact doctors now use a blood test.Prostate cancer is the most common
An Edinburgh mum has praised a kind stranger who came to her aid as her autistic son experienced a meltdown in a busy shopping centre. Marianne Kelly, 41, was with son Emilio, who is autistic, at
Consideration for other golfers and the golf course are fundamentals of the game. Here we highlight a number of things to steer clear of in the quest to do both.
Having medical conditions linked to obesity does not impact the total weight loss achieved with the anti-obesity medication tirzepatide, according to an industry-supported study being presented
A Midlands moonsighting expert has warned of differences in the dates of Eid ul Adha 2024 and urged people to follow verified reports and try to look for the crescent in their own country. Dr Zahid
From tan-extending lotions to serum-drenched sheet masks, these are the post-holiday products to indulge in
A chirpy groom sprung the ultimate surprise on his penguin-loving bride by arranging a penguin ring bearer at their wedding. Kerri Parry's jaw dropped when she saw one of the adorable birds hobble
A ground-breaking genetic test is positioned to "turn the tide on prostate cancer", potentially saving thousands of lives each year. This straightforward spit test, conducted at home, investigates
Decades ago, when South Africa was still a pariah, a friend remarked that Cape Town would never become an international hit. “Sea’s too cold,” he said, lip curled. “No one wants a seaside city where
Stargazers are on high alert as the potential for another awe-inspiring Northern Lights display looms in the days ahead. Following May's spectacular displays, experts anticipate further celestial
Specially trained service dogs helped ease PTSD symptoms in U.S. military veterans in a small study that the researchers hope will help expand options for service members.The U.S. Department of
A newly discovered brain protein might be the answer to treating Alzheimer's disease and the overall ageing process, suggests recent research. Scientists at Singapore's National University have found

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